APET - Austrian Power & Environment Technology GmbH
AUSTRIAN POWER & ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY (APET) is the lead organisation of the Austrian energy and environment technology industries.
In line with the initiative of the Austrian government to boost exports the object of APET is the international utilization of system-know-how acquired in Austria in the field of energy and environment technology.
Closely linked to Austrian Federal Ministries, particularly the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) - now Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), APET unites banks, important Austrian technology firms and operators, acts as coordinator, thereby allowing international customers to acces know-how developed by industry and operators in Austria.

In line with the initiative of the Austrian government to boost exports, the main task of AHC is to furthering the interests of Austrian or Austrian based companies in the field of medical engineering on their export markets.
Scope of activities
Unification of the Austrian potential in the field of health care in order to offer foreign partners complete solutions for planning, construction, equipment as well as management and operation of health related facilities (incl. financing) based on many years of experience.